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Our Lady of Rosary Church in Ruda

Our Lady of Rosary Church  was erected by the foundation of Count Carl Wolfgang von Ballestrem in 1869. The church set the south-west border of former development of Ruda district and was the first church on its grounds. The church’s design was developed and implemented by Wachtel- the architect and constructor from Gliwice. Site works were carried out between April and November 1869. Bricks and sandstones were the two types of building material used to erect the church, which made the structure look interesting with a whiff of Romanism. However the use of broad arch windows was the reference to gothic solutions. 

In 1890 the church was extended by the apse and the chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The fact that those extensions were placed later on in time is proven by different building material- the main structure was built of stone, while the 1890 parts were built entirely from bricks. The difference is also seen in the interior- the original church is covered by wooden ceiling while the apse and the chapel are covered by cross-ribbed vault.

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